If you update your status in any social media,be aware.Thieves have conducted new strategy to make robbery.Recently gang of thieves from India,UP have been arrested for doing such activities,They revealed the secrets about how robbery used to be done.Before robbery they takes all the information about the people whether someone are in home or not and according to that they makes plan.thieves revealed the strategy.Police found 80 lacs cash and some jewelries from them.To know more how they used to make plan,click down to watch video
How did robbers robbed house from the help of social media?Know from video uploaded.
If you update your status in any social media,be aware.Thieves have conducted new strategy to make robbery.Recently gang of thieves from India,UP have been arrested for doing such activities,They revealed the secrets about how robbery used to be done.Before robbery they takes all the information about the people whether someone are in home or not and according to that they makes plan.thieves revealed the strategy.Police found 80 lacs cash and some jewelries from them.To know more how they used to make plan,click down to watch video
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